Mothers to daughters, Daughters to mothers

“A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be her mothers best friend” – unknown (to me)

Remembering how you used to fix my hair, ribbons in a rainbow of colours, rollers in different sizes, pompoms always matching an outfit.
Remembering how walking in your shoes felt like the best thing in the world, your clothes the sweetest smell, no flower could compare. Remembering my cheeks getting pinched so it could be rosy just like yours, the shade of red ending up on my teeth instead of my lips, u just laughing. Remembering how your beauty mesmerised me, no other could or would ever compare.
Remembering how licking the icing bowl was the best part of my weekends, telling everyone how the kitchen was your playground.
Remembering the magic you created with fabric, the sound of your foot heading the pedal on the sewing machine still lingers in my mind. Remembering how proud you were whether it was a new friend that was made or stealing the heart with an unexpected childlike innocence. Remembering the simple conversations of a mother to her daughter, understanding only what needs to be, but the magic of planting a seed that would grow with the mind. Remembering that you were always my Hero, the one I wanted to be like, look like, smell like, talk like, laugh like. Remembering how you kissed my head when u tucked me in, which you still do.

I realise the roles reversed, shifted, changed, growing as we grew.

The way your hair glistens in the sun, the silver streaks a natural highlight of coming of age. The way my hands finds your head, fixing your hair the way you used to do mine. The way our closets are entwined, stealing a scarf here, borrowing a jacket there, taking a pursue for yourself, kidnapping a necklace. The way you allow me to walk with you in my own shoes, guiding me on my path, my way, my life. The way the shades of lips turns from reds to pinks, to nudes to glossy, your face becomes my canvas, the familiar I also want to look like that, comes from a different voice. Exploring your face, seeing the lines, telling a story of the life hidden behind that face. The way our smiles are alike, our voices, our laughs, the closeness of our eyes when we laugh, the touch of our hands, the abilities that we have. The way I’m turning into the beauty that is you.
The way the kitchen is my playground, how you are the first to taste, the first to boast, the first to help and take in the aroma’s escaping the place of Love.
The way you see scattered pieces of paper, keeping, reading, wanting me to be the ink for a dried out pen. The way you see in me what I cannot see myself, how the sounds of a machine I type on lingers in your ears. The way I am proud of every heart and mind that you touch, feeding the birds every morning, giving me a flower just because you Love me. The way your being speaks to those around you, your energy, the person I strive to be most like.
The way its now the conversations of a daughter to her mother, the seed being planted now a mind full of ideas, thoughts and questions. The honesty you bring in every answer, the reasons given being more apparent and eye opening that could have been thought. The truths that I can share with you, The way you just look at me with Love, with no judgement, just Love.
The way you say that you want to be like me in certain ways, but then we realise that we are the same. The way you moulded this girl into a woman, the way she speaks, walks, laughs, cries, loves, follows, beliefs. The way you moulded her, has you written all over her. The way I kiss you on your forehead and take care of you.

I realise the roles reversed, shifted, changed, growing as we grew.

Generation to generation. Mother to daughter, Daughter to mother, Best Friend to Best Friend. The Bond we have can never be shaken, tested, but not be broken. I love because of you, I am because of you. Our relationship questioned by many, admired by many, desired by many. Someday this relationship will continue in my generation, with my daughter, my new best friend…

P.s I love you so much, God really was having the beste when he blessed me with you. He planned this all, our good days and our bad, but he knew the role he had for you in my life, wouldn’t be able to be better fulfilled by any other. You truly are my best friend, my inspiration, my rock, my biggest fan, supporter. Still The one I want to be like. ❤