soulmate, The One, Love of life??? really

I guess I cannot wait for the day that I can proudly say that I have found my Soul mate, the Love of my life, my everything, the one who completes me inside and out, The one I have waited and prayed for, the one I know was made for me, He will be THE ONE (and no this is not like Neo in the Matrix). Everyone seems to be falling in some type of thing, I am not sure if it is love, lust or a mixture of the two, but all I know is, it is some kind of infatuation. So I must admit as much as it nauseates and makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little, it also makes me happy to see that others found love and it just fuels the old romantic that is inside of me.

I just get a bit irritated at the word Love being thrown around so loosely, also; soul mate, love of my life, my everything, the one and also again LOVE.

The older you get you start to realise and get a better understanding of what it means to fall in love or lust, and you also start to comprehend what it meant to you at a certain time, especially when you look back at past and present relationships (it’s like completing a survey using your own experiences). I mean if you had your first crush at 12 years old, in your mind that was the epitome of what “puppy love” was supposed to be, but your first boyfriend at 16 changed all that, remember how you planned your wedding as soon as you finished school and wanted to start your life together at 18, because he was The one, (well The One who was just your first love, yeah he was the one). Or as you reminisce about that Man who stole your heart at 20 and you believed that he was the Love of your life and would end up being the one, but he rather ended up being the Love of that year and ended up being the one who you would rather choose to stay away from, as far as possible, even social media seems to be too close. But somewhere through all the crazy, stupid infatuation, you were in love, your version of love and the kind of love that you craved and needed at that point in time, ultimately the love that you now know was just a glimpse of what awaits you, when that amazing stranger will cross your path.

So it is good and easy to tell someone that they are the love of your life, when you have been dating for 3months and this love story feels like a definitive fairy tale, you break up 1 month later, and 2months later (if it isn’t sooner) there is another Love of your life one the scene, or even soul mate, and the cycle continues.

Firstly, I applaud people who go into relationships so soon, because it takes a lot to open up your heart to another person and give love a try, heartbreak after heartbreak, time after time, you might just be a hopeless romantic or well you just can’t be alone.

Secondly, I get that using the words Soul mate, The One, Love of Life, seem to be the most intense way to express what another means to you and that you might feel that that person is, but seriously now, will everyone you date receive that title? I can’t even and refuse to even give the same pet names to people I just have casual and long term relationships with (babe, baba, bubu, baby; they are archived now).

Thirdly, yes that person felt like your Soul mate at that time, because he was someone who completed you even if it was just for a little while, someone who caused growth in you and taught you things that you will recognise in your SOUL MATE. Yes, he felt like the love of your life, for a moment, because for a brief moment that’s everything you required, everything you thought would complete you and for that moment in your life, he was someone you loved like the was no tomorrow. Yes, he felt like he was the one, because the emotions that you felt towards him was so thrilling and made you feel like you could walk on clouds, but he was the one for that instant. Yes, he was your everything, the everything that you were aware of that time, the everything that thought was important and now you realise it was the everything that a younger you is just now a shadow of.

Yeah I have had my share of infatuations, I still fall in love with every guy I see in the magazine, or it might be lust, and not every guy, every alternate guy with beards, tattoo’s, muscles and a Man bun is a plus point (Or at least this is my latest obsession). Yeah I have thought that someone or some people were The One, but they were the One for that period in which they were a part of my life, and now The One consists of #MCM’s. My soul Mate well I haven’t found the ying to my yang yet, but that will happen, but honestly I never felt a connection like that with anyone I dated, you know the soul mate vibes. I have called someone my everything and regretted it every time I said it, because it just didn’t feel right and I now know it’s because it wasn’t.

so whether you call him Love of your Life, The one, Soul mate, he probably is the Love of your Life in that moment, He might be The one you need and require at that time and he perhaps is the person who helps your Soul evolve.

crossing lines

Easy breathing
In and out, in and out…
Heart racing
Strong and fast
Mind blank…
Without thought

Breathless, speechless, fearless
Caught in the moment between
Right and wrong
The instant between
Moral and immorality

The invisible, preserved line
Drawn with honesty
Slowly gets blurred
Blurred by wordless communication
Communicated by senses untouched
Senses yearning to cross boundaries
Boundaries set in place by what is real

Paralyzed by emotions numbing
Legs, lungs, lips
Disorientated by a gaze so familiar
A gaze so wrong, yet so right
Bewildered and composed
An exchange of feelings
Justified by just one look
One stare…

As no words get exchanged
The blurred line becomes invisible
Crossing the invisible stripe agreed upon
Connection deeper than a line
Deeper than utterances unsaid
Profounder than a truism

Breathless, speechless, fearless
All inhibitions disappear
With no sense of regret
Lines get crossed
Unplanned, unintentional, instinctively

A line no longer exists
Utterance taken over by the silence
Of eyes speaking truths
That dare not cross the lips
And gets locked away in the
Deepest chamber of the heart

Astounded and quivering
Caught between factual and myth
As the conversation between eyes meeting
Hands touching, lips locking
And fades away.

Easy breathing
In and out, in and out
As eyes meet
A familiar gaze
No words spoken
All that’s left,
A non-existent…
Invisible blurred line

beard burn

As the beard burns cover my face, I still feel the touch of your lips pressed against mine. The way your lips touched mine, slowly, softly, sultry. Lips moving with no words escaping but yet the warmest way of communication.

As the beard burns leave a sensitive tingling on sensitive skin, the same way it leaves a burning memory within the pumping heart and stubbly overthinking brain. A burn that scars the delicate protected heart, a burn so deep, wanting to free the sheltered emotions so deep within, all just because of a kiss.

As I rub the tingling skin, I slip back into that moment, into that moment where the taste of a long lost emotion turned up. Memories awakened by the soft touch unlocking feelings hidden away in the back of the mind, in the box marked “open when ready”. Slipping into a trance state in embracing the moment that is now, enjoying the wordless communication as it elevates dormant emotions.

As the beard burns, burns the soft cheeks, small chin, it burns a memory so deep filled with thoughts, desires and yearnings that could have only sprung from a Middle school crush. As it burns, it burns new found impressions, new found cravings, new found emotions all unlocked by the touch of lips.

As the beard burns are the only evidence of locked lips whispering nothings, locked lips saying what can’t be said, of a longing or lust only expressible by a speechless moment where words wouldn’t suffice.
As the beard burns heal, the moment gets relived and stored in a brain filled with what if’s, maybe’s and I wonders. What if it is more than just a kiss? Maybe there is supposed to be more? I wonder if and when it will happen again?
As the beard burns is a reminder of a moment stuck in an overthinking mind, the soft, slowly, sultry touch of his lips is imprinted like a tattoo on the full lips that is mine.

Spring Love or is it Lust?

LOVE…its spring time and everything starts afresh and renewed. Love is blooming, everywhere you go, you see new love blossom like the blossoms on the apricot trees. Like the season of new beginnings, that’s how the relationships grows, that’s how Love grows. In the season of new things, like the apricot blossoms giving a beautiful illusion of new and flourishing life, but yet in some cases bears no fruit.

“I cheat on my girlfriend, to make sure I really love her”, ironically this is said by people who like the apricot tree, blossoms and looks so beautiful (young and old love) and yet bears no fruit (love for show and a whole different story behind closed doors). In a season where Love is the emotion associated with life, growth, feelings; the insects plays their role to hinder the growth of what is or could be something beautiful.
So since when is cheating a mechanism to know if the Love that you feel is for real or not? Isn’t that the reason dating is there? And by dating I mean taking someone out a few times, realising it doesn’t work, breaking it off and well then on to the next one. Cheating is like an insect on a rosebush or a tree, eating away at something beautiful, preventing the beauty that could be, to fill its needs. So how can some people be so ignorant to use the excuse of cheating as a way to rectify and justify their means of Love for another person? all this while the expressions of Love is blooming like the blossoms, put on display for everyone to see and witness, “Love” being claimed and made public, whilst the lustful insect eats away at the Tree. Eating away at the tree, a tree that’ll bear few usable fruit or none at all. Love is supposed to be something beautiful, something that rejuvenates tired minds and bodies, flourishing in the midst of all that is broken and cold, Love is the splendour that is spring. Yet Love gets ruined by lust, relationships ends or grows into a façade brought on by desires to test the variety of what else there is. The lines get blurred between love and lust, the infatuation and idea of what love is gets tangled and in the end mistaken for something that in actual fact is lust. Lust the same reason people cheat, the attractiveness and desirable look of the appealing looking flowers in the garden, it isn’t cheating if you only smell it once? And it isn’t cheating if your beautiful blossoms and flowers are advertised and how you take care of them, how your Love is expressed and yet the desire and lust for another is there?

Falling in love is a beautiful thing, it is a wonderful experience, the art of giving your heart to someone, someone who has the power to protect it and also to break it. It’s like trees blooming and beautifying the scene that is nature, it’s the greenery that brightens up the warm sunny days, it’s the gardener that looks and cares so deeply for the tree, keeps the insects away, as that tree will provide the best shade and carry the best fruit as it is constantly taken care of through Love. When it’s just lust, the gardener neglects his the tree, allowing insects to eat away at the beauty that is, trimming the branches, watering it, but putting on a show, while sourcing out and taking care of other trees in search of and to see if one has the best.

Spring is a magical, whimsical, beautiful season, definitely the best for Love to bloom, to grow as a new season starts and it’s just easy to fall in love with nature and life. It’s also a beautiful season to be completely and utterly confused with lust, drunk of the misconception of Love. Taking care of what’s yours, watering one’s own garden, without having to explore outside resources to know how lovely one’s own is. Love and Lust, one more often than mistaken for the other, be the gardener and protector of your own garden/tree? Or lustfully source out other gardens, seeing what you are missing and neglecting your own trees, in search to know that you have the best. As the saying goes, the grass is greener where it gets watered.

The Kiss

The kiss, unexpected
The kiss that just happened,
The kiss that lingers in the mind
The kiss that have you wondering

The kiss that feels all so familiar
The kiss that brings up memories
The kiss that unlocks feelings hidden in a frozen heart
The kiss on speechless lips

A kiss unmistakenly mistaken between the emotions of love and lust
A kiss being a reminder of what was and what could be
A kiss that awakens the present
A kiss that corrects all that never was

A kiss giving sleepless nights, the reasons why and why not
A kiss uncontrollably controllable in a moment of pure unexpected perfection
A kiss unlocked by distance
A kiss being the only explainable reaction of overwhelming mixed feelings between love and lust

The kiss between minds overwhelmed, between smiling eyes, between memories reflected on.
The kiss being the unexpected, unexplained, of what was, what could be,
The kiss in that moment being the only explainable reaction between minds, hearts and lips.

No answer, no questions, no explanation, Just a KISS…