Do You


Have you ever done something for yourself? You know the kind of thing where your only concern is what you think and how it affects you (most probably, okay always a positive). How many times have you done things not because you actually want or desire too, but because you do it for the benefit of someone else; for someone else’s advantage, for their acceptance, to please them, because you think you do what is expected of you. So when are you going to start doing something for yourself? You know, for your benefit, for your acceptance, something you can proudly pat yourself on the back for, because you did it for yourself, for nobody else and it makes you ecstatically happy when you do so.


I actually like the saying “Do you Boo-Boo, Do you”, you know why? Because the moment you start to do you, doing what makes you happy, you instantaneously become a happier better version of yourself. The moment you start pleasing yourself and your desires, everything else literally just falls into place. When you do things that makes you happy, it starts to show in your life, you radiate happiness, joy and peace, because you fulfil your needs and wants, you make your heart happy, you do what is right for your body, mind and soul.

This is where self-acceptance comes into play, you want to know why? So many times we want the acceptance and acknowledgement from those around us, that we not only forget and lose ourselves in the process, but we are so fixated on the opinions and approval of others that we will do whatever it takes to get accepted. This is where you do things to please others, like going to the gym because someone said they will like you more if you lost weight or joining some or other social group because everyone is doing it and you know that you hate every waking moment of it (But u know u want to be part of the “cool kids”).

So when do you decide to do things for yourself? And why do you decide that in the first place? Well as soon as you realise that the only approval you need is that from within and of yourself, well then you start doing it. I remember Khloe Kardashian once said, that the moment she started her healthy lifestyle change journey, there were people who said they didn’t like the new her and she looked better when she was a bit bigger; she just said she realised that she was doing this for herself and if she wasn’t happy and confident in who she was, all the opinions and comments would have made her doubt what she is doing and would make her do things to please others. How beautiful and profound is this though? When you start doing things because it makes you feel good, because it is what moves you, what thrills you and just resonates with the vibrations of your soul, this is self-acceptance.


It is so difficult to motivate yourself when you have to do things you don’t necessarily want too and especially when you do it for the benefit of others; but the moment you do things for yourself you know it makes your heart smile and your mind glow, and finding ways to motivate yourself becomes second nature, it becomes so natural like breathing. When you realise that you need the acceptance of yourself and do what makes you happy, those whose opinions and acceptance you once thought was such a vital and crucial part of who you are, just fades. When you Do you, you attract those who accept you for who you are and loves every part of who you are, especially because you radiate self-acceptance, self-love and you are more than comfortable with who and what you are, because after all, you are Doing you Boo-Boo.