First week Fumbles

It’s been a little over a week into the New Year and maybe a lot has happened already, you know events that made you want to jump around and be ecstatically happy or the not so great moment that made you question if this was how the rest of the year would go. This is all possible, maybe you are part of those who felt the year kick off with a major bang, and two days into it, just had you questioning wtf and just making you more determined to change the course of the year.


Maybe you didn’t want to start the year off with a hand full of resolutions, because past experiences has taught you, to go about it on a day to day basis, I mean do you remember when you said you would go to gym; you ended up taking a selfie and just stopped going after the first day or week. So maybe you are just deciding to take a different approach, making a conscious decision to apply resolutions on a daily basis, allowing it to become a part, an extension of your everyday life and how you want to go about it. And it kinda works, it isn’t just a resolution anymore, it becomes, your goal, a desire, want and need that you consciously start to work towards as it becomes a part of who you are and want to be.


Maybe your new year started with a heartbreak, or just a break in something, the kind of break where someone decided to walk away from a relationship or situation that no longer serves them, where there is no more space to grow. Or maybe you were the one who walked away from a situation, because you were tackled by fear and over thinking and just because it seemed like the safest bet, even when you already knew that the only way it is supposed to play out, is for you to go through it. Maybe you realised in the first few week of the New Year that certain situations and relationships are just meant to be in your life at this specific time, no matter how crazy, foolish and dangerous it may seem and as much as you want to let go, you just get pulled in deeper. Whether you walked away or got walked out on, there is a lesson to be learnt, and if you decided to actually go through the motions, the only way out is through, it wouldn’t be easy, and maybe you will want to kick your own ass through the process, but if it sits right in your soul, it will be so worth it.


Maybe in the first week, you get reminded of your past, a past that you aren’t ashamed of anymore, no matter how shameful it was, because you owned up to every choice made, every action taken. You aren’t your past after all, but it did impact on who you are today, you learned from it, and every day you are striving to be a better version of yourself, to just be better than the person you were the previous day. So many times, actually most of the time, we get judged based on our past, judged by opinions others have of who we were in the past and this can ruin relationships that you might have in future. But this is the thing, if you want to talk about events that happened almost 10 years ago, do so, if you want to judge me based on who I was then, again, be my guest. But I know who I am now, I forgave myself for mistakes made and I learn from it on a daily basis, especially when it just randomly pops up and bites you in the ass. The thing is we are all just trying to be ourselves, and those people who actually deserve a spot in your life, won’t judge you, they might question your doctrine, but they will know and be aware that you aren’t your past, those who aren’t consumed by their ego’s that is.


Maybe in the first week of the New Year, you found new excitement, maybe you just received amazing news or you are just so positively inclined that being optimistic is the only way to go. Maybe you did something for the first time, something spontaneous that just made you feel that no matter how shitty the first week was, better times will definitely roll around. You know the part where you get pulled out of the car at a drive-thru by your friend, and you just starts dancing, and then your other friends join in, and it is just an absolutely amazing, thrilling feeling. The part where you are laughing so loud and literally just enjoying this dance party while waiting for your order. It is these moments that makes life bearable, it is the random, unexpected moments that just fill you up with so much love, joy, happiness and excitement.


So you may not have made resolutions, but you are becoming your goal, it is a part of you and taking and working at it on a daily basis. You may have wanted to walk from a situation, but you know that, that would have been true weakness and that this is a lesson your soul needs. You may have been reminded of your past, but hey you don’t live there anymore and those who remind you of that, deserves a place there, in the past. So maybe you had one of the best nights and moments ever that just sets the tone for the weeks to come, doing something for the first time, and just to let go and just embrace the now, no matter how silly or crazy. In the end we are all just trying to be ourselves.

genuinely candidly Myself

There is absolutely nothing wrong with unapologetically, candidly being yourself. The past few weeks I have been addressing the issue of just being myself, to not only be comfortable in my skin (which I am), but being comfortable enough to be myself, when it comes to voicing my opinion, being this weird, wacky, free spirited person that I am. I am also very reserved, it all depends on my mood, how I feel at a specific time, but I decided to just be myself and surprising events has arose from it.

To be yourself means that not everyone will like you, their views and opinions may be different to yours and do you really want to change things about yourself to please others and then not being true to yourself. So if I have to be myself there will be tons of people who do not like me, do I care? No. I after all have to like myself, I have to live with myself when no one else is around, so why can’t I be the same person in public and in private, why do I have to put on different faces, to please different people. Okay, so some people won’t be able to handle my personality, I have heard countless time that I am trying to hard or trying to be impressive, but I am not. I am fortunate and blessed to have a good general knowledge, I have been actively reading anything from a library book to different types of magazines and newspapers on a daily basis since the time I was old enough to read. I am interested in different things, thus why I read; to accumulate knowledge and to be well informed, isn’t that the reason behind learning? So if I talk about sports, it is because I actually play and watch different sports, because it is interesting; if I talk about current events, politics, I do so, because I am a curious one, and I have my own thoughts and opinions and not just because I want to show off, but being well informed helps make better choices from a knowledgeable perspective.

When you are open to being truly yourself, you attract amazing things to yourself, whether it be opportunities, contacts, wonderful friendships, relationships, things that make you feel good about who and what you are. When you are comfortably yourself, it is almost as if you ooze confidence, have you ever been told by someone that you are something else? That you are like a breath of fresh air? And you just respond with “this is who I am, this is me, and this is how I always am”. There comes a certain level of ease when you are just being yourself, the energy and vibes you send out, are a direct reflection of what you feel inside, the fact that you are content in your own skin, that you are filled with happiness with who you are; that you don’t allow negative thoughts and experiences to impact you in a way that won’t allow personal and positive growth, in who you are and what you want to achieve and be.

I met a view new people over the weekend, I did some work for them, and if I wasn’t who I am, I wouldn’t have made new contacts, I wouldn’t have built new relationships and I’m just glad I am who I am. They say energy attracts, so if you are oozing confidence and just radiate this glowing personality, you attract what you need and want. If you are comfortable with who you are, others becomes comfortable with who you are (no matter the size of the personality), if you are positive you attract positivity, if you have this burning desire and passion for what you do, people are able to feel this and you will be surprised just how much your passion ignites a spark not just within yourself, but even those you surround yourself with, even if you just met. Being yourself is the best thing that you can do, I mean if you aren’t going to be yourself, who will be?

So I am unapologetically candidly myself, if it means that I babble non-stop without making sense, if I voice my opinions and come across as being just a little bit conceited, if I am this wild-care-free spirit, this is who I am. I am passionately myself, passionate about who I am, passionate about who I am meant to be, passionate about the love I have for writing and linking different ideas and concepts and bringing them to life. This is me, my personality, and the select view that appreciates and feeds of this energy, those are the people who makes me just love being Me.